MEGA-Drain is about water

Our goal is to make water your greatest asset vs. a liability. Early integration of our dewatering, recovery and treatment systems into mining infrastructure can make this a reality.
In legacy style built out sites that lack effective recovery, recycling or treatment, water tends to become a “stockpiled” liability. In such cases we can assist with systems that rapidly accelerate the disposal of wastewater while rapidly reducing the required footprint of evaporation ponds and bring regulatory compliance.
Solids Removal
We offer very cost-effective solids removal through proprietary gel-based flocculation reactor systems that are self-dosing to your site needs with passive treatment application delivery.
More About Our Gel Flocculent Offerings Here
Rapid Water Disposal
We offer unique aeration technology that requires minimal power input to oxygenate water with microbubbles that act to gasify water into the atmosphere. Gasified water evaporates at exponentially higher rates. The efficacy of this system can be driven by local humidity condition.
More About Our Aeration Platform Here